1. Make sure you add this email address:
...to your safe sender / white list in Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo / AOL etc.
Check with them for how to do this.
Do not rely on the fact you have received some email from me in the past or now.
The robots check every single email that you get sent and there are all sorts of reasons they decide email is spam (formatting / characters / words / combinations of words / how many of the same email has been sent / opened / clicked / etc)
These rules are changing all the time and are different for different email providers - so it's impossible for me to make sure you get my email. It's how your provider protects you from spammers.
So the only way to tell them you want my email and I am not a spammer is to add me to your safe sender / white list. :)
2. Do a search in your Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo / AOL etc. email for this subject line:
"Here's your Start Now Finish Fast Welcome Pack..."
This is where you'll find the welcome material.
3. If you still can't find it simply open a support ticket saying you have steps 1 & 2 above and of course I will happily send you the email again.